1732 - LL && WUSTACM
Time Limit : 1 Second
Memory Limit : 128 MB
Submission: 2
Solved: 2
- Description
LL loves WUSTACM very much. Now he receives a task. he is given a string, and he is required to find "WUSTACM" in the string, which is not have to be continuous, but the relative position must be guaranteed.
- Input
The first line contains a integer T(T≤100),represents the number of test case.
Each case contains one line string.(the length of string is not over 100, only contains uppercase characters).
- Output
Each case first output “Case #t:”,t starts from 1.
Next line output the result, if LL can find, output "YES" ,otherwise, output "NO".
- sample input
- sample output
Case #1: YES Case #2: NO Case #3: NO
- hint
- source