1686 - Three Numbers
Time Limit : 1 Second
Memory Limit : 512 MB
Submission: 80
Solved: 10
- Description
Give you N numbers, how many ways to choose 3 numbers A, B, C which satisfy the equation A+B+C=0?
We regard it as two distinct ways if they have different A or different B or different C.
- Input
We have multiply cases. For each case:
The first line contains one number: N (0 < N <= 1000)
The second line contains N numbers, Ai, representing the above N numbers(-1e9 < Ai <1e9)
- Output
For each case, output one integer, the number of ways.
- sample input
4 -1 1 0 -1 3 -1 -1 2
- sample output
12 6
- hint
If we use the first -1, we have 6 ways: (-1 1 0), (-1 0 1), (0 1 -1), (0 -1 1), (1 0 -1), (1 -1 0);
And if we use the second -1, we have 6 ways too.
In second example, we consider two -1 is different. So there is 6 ways.
- source