1397 - jz
Time Limit : 2 Second
Memory Limit : 128 MB
Submission: 43
Solved: 7
- Description
A string contains only 'j' and 'z'. You can perform the operation of swapping any two characters at most K times. What is the maximum number of appearance times of substring "jz" after at most K operations?
- Input
First line contains N and K, indicating the length of string and the largest number of swapping.( 1<=N<=500, 0<=K<=100 )
Second line contains a string only contains lowercase characters 'j' and 'z'.
- Output
The maximum appearance times.
- sample input
5 2 zzzjj
- sample output
- hint
First step, change the string to jzzzj.
Second step, change it to jzzjz.
Finally, you'll get two substring of "jz" in jzzjz.
- source
- Orz教主第4次模拟赛