1251 - LL's sink

Time Limit : 1 Second

Memory Limit : 128 MB

Submission: 64

Solved: 22

There is a sink in LL’s factory. The sink has length N and width 1. The wall of the sink has infinite height. Someday LL inserts N-1 boards into the sink with the same spacing. The thickness of the boards can be neglected. The heights of the boards are L1,L2…Ln-1 respectively. So there are N slots. LL pours water of volume V into the first slot. Your task is to calculate the height of water in each slot when the water reaches the steady state.
There are multiple cases ended with EOF. Every case is terminated with a blank line .
The first two numbers of each case are two integers——
N (1 <= N <= 10000), V(1 <= V <= 20000 ).
The following N-1 numbers are the heights of the boards Li (1 <= Li <= 100),
For each test, output one line containing N numbers rounded to two decimals——the heights of water in N slots.
sample input
4 6
3 2 1
sample output
3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00
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