1062 - Divisibility
Time Limit : 1 Second
Memory Limit : 128 MB
Submission: 32
Solved: 15
- Description
- On the planet Zoop, numbers are represented in base 62, using the digits
0, 1, . . . , 9, A, B, . . . , Z, a, b, . . . , z
A (base 62) = 10 (base 10)
B (base 62) = 11 (base 10)
z (base 62) = 61 (base 10).
Given the digit representation of a number x in base 62, your goal is to determine if x is divisible by 61.
- Input
- The input test file will contain multiple cases. Each test case will be given by a single string containing only
the digits ‘0’ through ‘9’, the uppercase letters ‘A’ through ‘Z’, and the lowercase letters ’a’ through ’z’. All
strings will have a length of between 1 and 10000 characters, inclusive. The end-of-input is denoted by a
single line containing the word “end”, which should not be processed.
- Output
- For each test case, print “yes” if the number is divisible by 61, and “no” otherwise.
- sample input
1v3 2P6 IsThisDivisible end
- sample output
yes no no
- hint
- In the first example, 1v3 = 1 × 622 + 57 × 62 + 3 = 7381, which is divisible by 61. In the second example, 2P6 = 2 × 622 + 25 × 62 + 6 = 9244, which is not divisible by 61.
- source
- Stanford Local 2007