Next K-Bit Number
Time Limit : 1 Second
Memory Limit : 128 MB
Submission: 619
Solved: 226
- Description
- Our problem is to create a function: uint NextKBitNumber(uint), which given an unsigned integer X with K bits set, returns the immediately larger unsigned integer also with K bits set. For example, if X = 12 (base 10) = 1100(base 2), X has 2 bits set, then the next number with 2 bits set(NextKBitNumber) is 17(base 10) = 10001(base 2).
- Input
- The first line is the number of test cases,there are at most 1001 cases.
Then each line is a case with an unsigned number X.
It is guaranteed that all answers are in unsigned 32-bit Integer.
- Output
- For each cases, the first line is “Case #k:”, where k is the case index based 1.
The second line is the NextKBitNumber of X. - sample input
2 12 7
- sample output
Case #1: 17 Case #2: 11
- hint
- source
- Yang WANG