Is that a Heap?
Time Limit : 1 Second
Memory Limit : 128 MB
Submission: 129
Solved: 38
- Description
Given a sequence S[1..N], you are to rearrange the sequence so that it satisfies the following condition: for each i (1 <= i <= N / 2), S[i] <= S[2*i] and S[i] <= S[2*i+1].
- Input
There are multiple test cases. For each case:
The first line is a integer N. You are guaranteed that N = 2m - 1 for some non-negative number m.
The next line contains N numbers representing S[i]
1 <= N <= 65535, S[i] <= 1,000,000,000
- Output
For each case, output the result sequence, if there are multiple solutions output the lexicographically largest one.
- sample input
3 1 2 10
- sample output
1 10 2
- hint
- source
- Orz教主第2次模拟赛