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Solved: 266

There is a sequence of N numbers. Cut them into not more than K groups without changing their order, and each group must consist of at least L numbers. From left to right, the value of the i-th group is the sum of all numbers in the group multiplying i. Give me the minimum sum of all the values.
The first line is a number T indicating the total number of test cases.(T<=20)
Then T cases, for each case:
First line is three numbers N, K, L which are descripted above.(1<=N<=20000, 1<=L<=200, 1<=K<=100)
Then N numbers ranged in [-1000, 1000].
For each case, output the minimum sum in a line.
sample input
5 3 1
3 -2 -1 -4 5
5 3 2
3 -2 -1 -4 5
sample output
To get the best answer you can try: Case 1: (3)(-2 -1 -4 5) or (3)(-2)(-1 -4 5) Case 2: (3 -2)(-1 -4 5)
Hust Monthly 10.04.05/Zehua HONG
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