Sort the String
Time Limit : 1 Second
Memory Limit : 128 MB
Submission: 59
Solved: 24
- Description
- You will get a lot of 0-1 string(the string only contain 0 and 1).Sort them with the length, put the less one first, if two string has the same length, put the string has less 1 first, if still tied put the one with less string value first.
Compare two string A and B:
From left to right, if the left of i-th character are all the same then compare the i-th character, if A[i] < B[i] then value of A < value of B.
compare value 10010111 < 10011000
but compare the number of '1': 10011000 < 10010111
so 10011000 < 10010111
- Input
- The first line contain a number indicate how many cases.
For each case, the first line is N indicate there are N strings.
Next N line each line has a string only contain 0 and 1.
(1<=N<=1000, length of each string will less than 100)
- Output
- Sort and output them, one string one line.
- sample input
1 6 10010010 10010111 10011000 111000000111111110000001111111000000011111110000000011110000000001000000 1100 1011
- sample output
1100 1011 10010010 10011000 10010111 111000000111111110000001111111000000011111110000000011110000000001000000
- hint
- source
- Zehua Hong