Sibonacci Numbers
Time Limit : 1 Second
Memory Limit : 64 MB
Submission: 2648
Solved: 415
- Description
- As is known to all, the definition of Fibonacci Numbers is:
f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2) (n>=3)
Now Sempr found another Numbers, he named it "Sibonacci Numbers", the definition is below:
f(x)=0 (x<0)
f(x)=1 (0<=x<1)
f(x)=f(x-1)+f(x-3.14) (x>=1)
Your work is to tell me the result of f(x), is the answer is too large, divide it by 1000000007 and give me the remainder.
Be careful the number x can be an integer or not.
- Input
- In the first line there is an Integer T(0<T<10000) which means the number of test cases in the input file.
Then followed T different lines, each contains a number x(-1000<x<1000).
- Output
- For each case of the input file, just output the result, one for each line.
- sample input
3 -1 0.667 3.15
- sample output
0 1 2
- hint
- source
- Sempr|CrazyBird|hust07p43